Two weeks down, a lifetime to go!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Okay, this is working out just fine. While I'm sad to say that in the two and a half weeks I have not lost so much as a milligram (1400 calories a day is REALLY hard to stick with), I can say I've made some incredibly awesome strides and have discovered some fantastic new things. Here's a little peek:

1) I am on day 12 of no sodas! It's kind of weird because I thought it was going to be super hard, but it's been okay. Diet Coke and Coke Zero were my weaknesses but after my OB-GYN and regular doctor, dietitian and Bob Greene all said even diet sodas can contribute to weight gain, and specifically, belly fat, well I said "see-ya-later" for good.

2) In lieu of sodas, I have discovered my new favorite thing: FRS! This magic little potion was first developed at Harvard as a fatigue-fighting and health drink for cancer patients, but soon because the go-to drink for athletes and anyone else who wants natural, sustained energy (ME!--I'm already on my second can of the day and it's only 10 a.m.). It's kind of pricey, but if you go to their website (, you can order a free sample kit for just the cost of shipping ($6.95). You'll receive over $50 in full-sized products! However, be sure to cancel the trial once you receive the products because it's an auto-ship program and you'll start receiving shipments otherwise.

3) Giving up sweets has been another interesting venture. I thought this would be virtually impossible, but it's been alright. With the exception of last night, where I splurged on a strawberry shortcake at Don Parmesan's (YUM!), I have had little more than a small cookie a day all week. This is an amazing feat coming from the girl who routinely ate 600-750 calories a day in junk food!

4) Finally, I have decide to start adding two days a week in the gym just focusing on strength. My friend from YMCA Spinning, Dawn, kicked my butt yesterday with a medicine ball routine that sent me to the corner to suck my thumb and rock back & forth. Today I can barely walk. It feels great! We are going to meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:50 a.m. (yes, AM) to get strong and fit.

So yeah, this is going to be a fun ride, and I'm positive that I'll be seeing some significant body shape results soon...BEFORE the Mexico trip in May. And the inner changes...well, they're already well on their way.

Well, first of all...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I'm a little curious about this whole blogging thing. To be perfectly honest, I don't read anyone else's, so I'm not really very convinced anyone will want to read mine. But now and then I have something to say. There have been lots of interesting little experiences along the road and maybe if for no other reason than I'll have a journal of sorts, I'm going to start writing about them.

So if you'd like to eavesdrop a little on my life, feel free. If not, that's fine too because chances are I'm not eavesdropping on yours. Either way, welcome (or goodbye).